Monday, October 29, 2012

The Inspiration Behind Adele's album, 21

Just the other day I was working with one of my students who was singing Adele's song, "Set Fire To The Rain" when I stumbled across this video. This track-by-track interview showcases Adele as she explains the meaning behind each of her songs from her mega successful album, 21. I had asked my student what the lyrics of "Set Fire To The Rain" meant to her and she had no idea. When she couldn't come up with an answer, I realized that I did not know what that song meant either! So.. we looked at this video instead:

I am not only posting this video because I find it both fascinating and entertaining. In fact, I am posting this video to prove a very important point. As a vocalist, it is crucial that you have an emotional connection to whatever it is that you are singing about. Before conquering a song, a connection needs to be made from the heart. We must take the time and put the effort to really dissect the meaning behind each and every word that we are singing about.

It is then, and only then, that we can truly be authentic.

Hope you enjoy! =)