Hello Divas!
I wanted to share with you my first cover song video! Last month I recorded one of my favorite songs at Full Sail Studios, "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt. I tried uploading the song onto soundcloud but they no longer allow users to upload cover songs. So... I made my first song video on iMovie! Its very simple, with the main purpose being to listen to my recording, so here it is:
I absolutely adore this song and when I sing these lyrics, I try to recreate a time in my life when I felt this way. It was a sad and dark time but singing this song is very therapeutic and an excellent way to purge emotions.
Do you ever reflect back on particular moments when singing certain songs?
I recommend you try sometime =)
Thanks for listening!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Inspiration Behind Adele's album, 21
Just the other day I was working with one of my students who was singing Adele's song, "Set Fire To The Rain" when I stumbled across this video. This track-by-track interview showcases Adele as she explains the meaning behind each of her songs from her mega successful album, 21. I had asked my student what the lyrics of "Set Fire To The Rain" meant to her and she had no idea. When she couldn't come up with an answer, I realized that I did not know what that song meant either! So.. we looked at this video instead:
I am not only posting this video because I find it both fascinating and entertaining. In fact, I am posting this video to prove a very important point. As a vocalist, it is crucial that you have an emotional connection to whatever it is that you are singing about. Before conquering a song, a connection needs to be made from the heart. We must take the time and put the effort to really dissect the meaning behind each and every word that we are singing about.
It is then, and only then, that we can truly be authentic.
Hope you enjoy! =)
I am not only posting this video because I find it both fascinating and entertaining. In fact, I am posting this video to prove a very important point. As a vocalist, it is crucial that you have an emotional connection to whatever it is that you are singing about. Before conquering a song, a connection needs to be made from the heart. We must take the time and put the effort to really dissect the meaning behind each and every word that we are singing about.
It is then, and only then, that we can truly be authentic.
Hope you enjoy! =)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Passaggio - The Vocal Break by Robert Lunte
As a young vocal coach, I study methods from more seasoned coaches in the industry. NATS Member Robert Lunte, who happens to be a fellow University of Miami alumni is the creator of the Vocalist Studio and ModernVocalist.com. Here is an awesome video where he explains The Passaggio (The Vocal Break) in both female and male singers:
It is important to know where your voice sits in relation to the notes on a keyboard. Robert utilizes the vocal twang to help bridge through the vocal break and shows you how to create a seamless and connected tone through the chest and head voice.
This is a great tutorial for singers looking to expand their belt range, create more beef behind their "money notes" and also help you understand what tools to use during this critical part of the voice.
I will be watching this video more than once.. so much info here!
It is important to know where your voice sits in relation to the notes on a keyboard. Robert utilizes the vocal twang to help bridge through the vocal break and shows you how to create a seamless and connected tone through the chest and head voice.
This is a great tutorial for singers looking to expand their belt range, create more beef behind their "money notes" and also help you understand what tools to use during this critical part of the voice.
I will be watching this video more than once.. so much info here!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Jaw Tension Relief for Singers
Drop your jaw and say awwwwwww! Jaw tension can be a major pain if you are a singer. I used to have some serious jaw tension during my young opera years and even though it may seem impossible to get rid of, I promise that there is a relief to jaw tension! Here are some tips that I have learned when working with my teachers and students:
As you begin to relieve your jaw tension, you will notice that it will actually become easier to sing. Your voice will sound a lot more free and your range will be able to expand dramatically--especially in your higher notes. More importantly, getting rid of this annoying tension will allow you to reach your true singing potential!
- Massage your cheeks, jaw line, chin and neck before you sing. If you feel tenderness this is an indication that there is some kind of tension hiding in these muscles. Massage in circles and be gentle. Do this before you begin your vocal warmups and to help loosen you up before you sing.
- Drop and unhinge your jaw during your idle time. I call this the dummy face because I admit that you do look a little silly doing this. But if you practice "letting go" of your jaw then you will begin to get used to loosening up these muscles. Great places to drop and unhinge your jaw are when you are reading, watching TV, cooking and sitting down.
- Drop and sigh with the vowel sound "awe" to help connect your sound to a relaxed jaw position. Do this as a part of your warmups. Doing this enough times will help your body understand how to produce sound without clenching your jaw muscles.
- Hold your chin while you are singing to keep an open mouth and dropped jaw position. You will notice that more sound will come out of you because more space will be created and tension will be eliminated giving you a nice, free, even tone!
- Stick your tongue out and vocalize on a yah, yah, yah, yah, yah up and down the scale. It will sound silly but your jaw will become completely relaxed.
As you begin to relieve your jaw tension, you will notice that it will actually become easier to sing. Your voice will sound a lot more free and your range will be able to expand dramatically--especially in your higher notes. More importantly, getting rid of this annoying tension will allow you to reach your true singing potential!
Hope this helps!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Vocal Rest for Singers
As a singer, sometimes you just need to give your voice a break-- be quiet and go on vocal rest! A couple of weeks ago I had a really awful sinus infection.. my ears were clogged, my nose was stuffy and I had a really uncomfortable itch in my throat that made me sound hoarse when I spoke. I tried to sing a couple of times and it wasn't pretty. So how did it go away? Well, I cancelled all of my sessions that week and refrained from practicing any songs. I also limited my talking and went on vocal rest. Within 5 days of taking medication and literally not singing, I walked into my gig on Sunday and sang effortlessly and beautifully. It felt so amazing to have my real voice back!
According to the NYU Voice Center, vocal rest is a time of introspection and delegation. Vocal rest gives your voice time to heal, settle and relax. When your voice is fatigued or if you're trying to overcome an illness, the fastest way to let your voice heal is to refrain from using it. Believe it or not we use our voices for just about everything... when we cough, sneeze, clear our throats, hum and even whisper. During vocal rest, try to limit or even avoid doing all of these things to expedite your recovery.
If you have a really busy performance schedule that requires you to sing almost on a nightly basis, try not to speak the entire day leading up to your call time. As it gets later in the day, closer to when you have to go on stage, gently start to warm up your voice (starting at the middle of your range, slowly working your way upwards and downwards) and take two shots of honey. Honey will lubricate your voice and will give your cords an awesome coating to help facilitate the production of sound with a lot more ease. If you're not at 100% during your gig, amp up your monitor mix or sing your song in a lower key. Always listen to your body when your voice is trying to tell you something. If it hurts, stop and take a couple of days off so that you can rest.
Giving your voice the respect that it deserves is an amazing investment in your future as a vocal professional. If you can incorporate small bouts of vocal rest during your practice and performance schedules, then you will be able to accomplish the following things:
- The avoidance of more severe vocal problems that may require longer periods of vocal rest, therapy and even surgery.
- Stronger vocal muscles. Strength in muscles comes from stress AND recovery, and adequate recovery time is just as important as your training.
- A longer lasting vocal career!
I hope this helps and if you have any questions, please let me know. Also, I would like to know if you have any vocal rest tips of your own!?
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Twang Vocal Technique
When singing contemporary music styles, some singers utilize the twang vocal technique to bring their sound a lot more forward and create a space for the voice to project in a louder and more controlled manner. This is particularly utilized in the top register of the voice to create more resonance, brightness and power. In other words, it is one way a singer can create a belt sound.
Vocal Coach David Combes does a great job of demonstrating the difference in sound when you use and don't use the vocal twang.
The TWANG is not a register, but merely a color in the voice.. a color that we can add to our palate when we are painting with our voice and performing a song. I agree that this technique is a little funky at first, but its amazing how much power and resonance it will add to your higher register if you keep practicing!
What do you think of the Twang Technique?? Have you tried it? =)
Basically, the twang sound occurs when you narrow the area in your throat at the level of your larynx. The singer brings the sound extremely forward and sings with a closed epiglottis. Below are two very informative videos that will explain this Twang Vocal Technique in more detail.
Vocal Coach Sarah Bickel shows us how to create that twang resonance during our practice sessions.
Vocal Coach Sarah Bickel shows us how to create that twang resonance during our practice sessions.
Vocal Coach David Combes does a great job of demonstrating the difference in sound when you use and don't use the vocal twang.
The TWANG is not a register, but merely a color in the voice.. a color that we can add to our palate when we are painting with our voice and performing a song. I agree that this technique is a little funky at first, but its amazing how much power and resonance it will add to your higher register if you keep practicing!
What do you think of the Twang Technique?? Have you tried it? =)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Audition Tips: How To Give A Successful Pop Vocal Audition
If you are looking for some tips on how to give a successful pop vocal audition, whether it be for American Idol, The Voice or for a casting call at a studio or theme park, look no further. As a Casting Director, I have facilitated thousands of auditions from singers hailing from all parts of the globe, and have worked with voices of all ages and skill levels. Auditions are scary--I know! But they are necessary in order for singers to seek different opportunities, make a living and grow as an artist. During my experience being on both sides of the table, I have compiled several observations. Below is a list of tips that will hopefully help to give you more confidence for your next pop singing audition:
1- Make an impact right away.
Typically a decision is made within the first 5 seconds of your song. When you only have 30 seconds or 16 bars to make a great impression, you must start with a dynamic introduction. A solid, powerful beginning will grab the panel's attention and increase your chances dramatically. These first impressions make a significant difference. If you take too long to get "cooking," the other person's interest may have already been lost and the "no" may have already been decided. Start strong!
2- Dress to impress.
Wear something that makes you feel confident but is not going to distract from your performance. The way you look should be complimentary to the way you want others to interpret your style. Be age appropriate and don't be afraid to be "you." Embrace who you are but still be professional. Auditions are sort of like job interviews and even though you want to look professional, you still have to be authentic to who you are.
3- Be in love with your song.
Make sure that you pick a song that you are obsessed with--a song that you have sung millions of times, and that you can rely on even under pressure. If you sing with passion and enjoyment, the nerves go away. If you sing something that you are extremely comfortable with, you have nothing to be nervous about. And if you sing a song that allows you to connect to every lyric, you transform your audition into an artistic performance.
4-Song choice is very important.
Stay away from anything that has ever been sung by Adele, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Whitney Houston. You may be a diva, but I doubt your rendition is going to be better than the original! Try picking something that shows off your voice, range and style. I love it when girls sing guy songs and vice-versa. Add your own flavor to whatever it is that you perform. It'll make you memorable.
Stay away from anything that has ever been sung by Adele, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Whitney Houston. You may be a diva, but I doubt your rendition is going to be better than the original! Try picking something that shows off your voice, range and style. I love it when girls sing guy songs and vice-versa. Add your own flavor to whatever it is that you perform. It'll make you memorable.
5-Have a great attitude.
We are judging you from the moment you walk into the room. Be natural, confident and genuinely happy to be there. Before your performance, introduce yourself and the name of your song. Don't try to shake the Casting Director's hand unless they initiate it. Sing your song, smile when you are finished, and take criticism (if given) gracefully. Don't push back, show respect and appreciation for the opportunity, and simply say thank you before you leave the room.
We are judging you from the moment you walk into the room. Be natural, confident and genuinely happy to be there. Before your performance, introduce yourself and the name of your song. Don't try to shake the Casting Director's hand unless they initiate it. Sing your song, smile when you are finished, and take criticism (if given) gracefully. Don't push back, show respect and appreciation for the opportunity, and simply say thank you before you leave the room.
6-Body language is key.
Stand up tall and look confident. Make eye contact and do not look at the floor. If you smile sweetly, it softens the situation and makes you seem less nervous and more real. Don't do anything with your hands that will distract from your performance. Keep them at your side or use them as authentic gestures during your performance.
7-Keep an open mind.
Expectations lead to disappointments. Walk into the room feeling like you have nothing to lose. You are a winner just by giving it a try. SO many people just *think* about doing something but chicken out when it actually comes time to deliver.
8-Be proud of yourself.
Whatever the outcome may be, know that you are one step closer to reaching your goals just by completing your audition. You're gonna receive a lot of rejection before you make it to the top, but keep your head up and be proud of yourself for having the courage to move forward.
Success is not always the destination--it is the journey. Just because you did not get the part, does not mean that you failed. Success is measured by the amount of growth that you made as an artist, the experience that you gained, and the people that you met. So much of this business is based off of so many other factors that we have no control over. Auditions are not just solely based on talent, but based on timing, subjectivity and "types." You may just not be what they are looking for, no matter how well you think you did. Get over it and don't take it personally! Keep auditioning, keep learning new songs and you're gonna keep getting better and better- I promise!
Do you have audition tips from your own experiences????
Do you have audition tips from your own experiences????
Monday, June 18, 2012
What to Eat Before You Sing
Some of my students have asked me what they should eat before they sing or have a performance. Since the voice is part of the human body, what we consume affects what we produce. You want to make sure that you are in fact eating- you don't want to starve. Starvation is unhealthy and won't give you the energy that you need for your performance. But, you also want to consume foods that will give you the stamina and nutrients that you need without hindering your vocal instrument.
The following are some tips that I always try to live by before I have a gig:
1- Hydrate!
There's a reason why hydration is #1 on this list. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. Water and non-caffeinated tea are best. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol. They will actually do the opposite--dehydrate and irritate the voice. If you hate the taste of water, add lemon, berries or non-sugary powders such as Crystal Light. If you don't like tea, add honey or lemon to your drink. When your voice is hydrated, a healthy amount of mucous membranes coat your cords and you're able to sing with a lot more ease.
2- Eat protein.
Lean meat will give you the energy that you need to sustain throughout your performance. Grilled chicken and fish are great examples of what you can make at home or eat at the place that you are performing. If you are on the go, try grabbing some deli meat (turkey, ham) and snack on that with some WheatThins or Triscuits. These lean proteins will keep you satisfied and serve as the fuel for your voice and breath-supporting muscles.
3- Eat your veggies.
Vegetables are just really good for you and will give you the vitamins that you need to maintain your health. Working long hours and sleeping irregularly can affect your immune system and eating properly will help give you the stamina that you need to stay healthy and strong. Salads, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower are just some veggies that provide great benefits to your overall health and voice. I like to munch on carrots and celery when I am on the go. If I am at home, a quick salad is very refreshing.
4- A spoonful of honey.
Honey is a singer's best friend. Honey is filled with so many awesome benefits for the body and the voice. Its a great lubricant for the voice because it literally just coats your throat and soothes your muscles. Honey serves as a natural healing property and bacteria killer, gives you energy and boosts your immune system. If you keep a squeezable bottle in your car (its okay to it leave out in the sun and it never expires), then all you have to do is have a little bit of honey when you are en route to your gig.
5- Granola Bars.
I love granola bars (Kashi is my favorite) because they give me a lot of energy and are very filling when I am on the go. They are also a great little snack to have if I have a break between a 4 hour set. Healthy granola bars provide a great combination of fiber, protein and carbohydrates. I make sure to pack at least one when I have to perform. Sometimes I get anxious before I sing and am literally not hungry. A healthy granola bar also serves as a quick compromise if you just need to put something in your stomach.
I hope that this list helps you next time you are wondering what to eat when you have a performance or gig. Overall, you shouldn't starve yourself or overeat. You should eat until you are satisfied and make choices that are beneficial to your body and your voice.
Remember... you only have ONE voice!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
American Idol's Vocal Coach - Debra Byrd
Check out this neat little interview with Debra Byrd, Vocal Coach on American Idol. Debra demonstrates her knowledge, experience and nurturing nature.
Debra discusses the importance of vocal health in a professional performance setting. Proper coaching, healthy singing technique and good habits are imperative when you are singing on a regular basis for long period of time. The enormous amount of preparation and performance required in a platform such as the American Idol competition is just one extreme example of this.
I posted this video because I just love Debra Byrd's demeanor. Her personality is so warm and nurturing and you can see how easy it is for singers to trust her. The hardest thing about being a vocal coach is gaining that trust. The voice is a fragile thing and singers should be careful when working with teachers. I constantly strive to learn more and more about my craft so that my knowledge and sincerity can allow my students to trust me as well.
Hope you enjoyed this little video. =)
Debra discusses the importance of vocal health in a professional performance setting. Proper coaching, healthy singing technique and good habits are imperative when you are singing on a regular basis for long period of time. The enormous amount of preparation and performance required in a platform such as the American Idol competition is just one extreme example of this.
I posted this video because I just love Debra Byrd's demeanor. Her personality is so warm and nurturing and you can see how easy it is for singers to trust her. The hardest thing about being a vocal coach is gaining that trust. The voice is a fragile thing and singers should be careful when working with teachers. I constantly strive to learn more and more about my craft so that my knowledge and sincerity can allow my students to trust me as well.
Hope you enjoyed this little video. =)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Season 11's American Idol Winner - Phillip Phillips
Last night we witnessed a very emotional reaction from our newly crowned American Idol, Phillip Phillips. The finale was filled with amazing performances and touching moments. But the best moment of all, was when Season 11's winner, Phillip Phillips was crowned.
As I wrote a couple of days ago, I was rooting for Jessica Sanchez to win. But after watching Phillip perform, react and embrace his family, I immediately became attached to him. His musicality is undeniable and his style is very kitschy, but in that very moment, he became real.
So many aspects about being a great vocalist require concentration, discipline and skill. But what will transform and bring you to life is authenticity. Just let yourself become vulnerable and emotional. Your music will then speak for itself.
Congratulations to Season 11's American Idol, Phillip Phillips. I am very curious where this journey will take him. I love his new single and expect that he will do better than our previous winning WGWG's... let's hope he will go far and wish him well. =)
And sadly, this season has come to a close. =( But watch out, America! I will be auditioning this summer! We need a female Idol to win next year!
And on that note, I will leave you with the best, most hilarious and fierce performance of the night: The Face Off between Jennifer Holliday and Jessica Sanchez singing "And I Am Telling You, I'm Not Going" - ENJOY =)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
American Idol Season 11 Finale - Jessica vs Phillip
Finally, Season 11 of American Idol's biggest event has arrived. Tonight we watched the Top 2, Jessica Sanchez and Phillips Phillips compete against each other for this year's coveted Idol title.
Round One - Simon Fuller's Song Picks
- Jessica Sanchez sings "Nothing" by Whitney Houston - Perfect song choice! Really nice delivery as Jessica is a natural when it comes to singing these diva ballads. I loved how she still performed very well but didn't give us everything that she had.. She needs to save the wow moments for the end of the show..
- Phillip Phillips sings "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King - I love his laid-back indie approach to this popular standard. His rendition was very tender and showcased great musicality. However, did not demonstrate incredible vocal ability by any means. I agree with Randy, Jessica definitely won this round.
Round Two - The Singers' Favorite Song of the Season
- Jessica Sanchez sings "The Prayer" - Gorgeous rendition of this classic song. It is quite an accomplishment to tackle a song that is actually a DUET with both Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. I love how her performance was so emotional and powerful. She could have easily belted out that last note, but she flipped into her head voice and led us wanting more.
- Phillip Phillips sings "Movin Out" by Billy Joel - This is a neat arrangement of this song. Phillip's phrasing was really interesting and he did a great job building up to the end of the song. My only gripe was that he literally looked like he was in pain during his performance. Great growl and climax to the end.
Round Three - Their Potential Winning Song
- Jessica Sanchez sings "Change Nothing" - The melody was a little interesting but she opened up really nicely in those big notes. I felt like the song showcased her range really nicely but the arrangement was really strange- there was no soul, no flavor or style. I don't know if this will take her to the top.
- Phillip Phillips sings "Home" - The song was a little boring but I love that catchy little indie hook at the end. The marching band made the production even more special. This song sounds like The Shins in the Garden State. It was a great performance but don't agree that it merited a standing ovation from the judges!
Well, I am very frustrated because it seems like another WGWG is going to win American Idol this year. I agree that Phillip has a wonderful style, but is this competition about singing or about style???
1- Round One Winner - Jessica
2- Round Two Winner - Even
3- Round Three Winner - Phillip
Its gonna be a toss up, but I am pretty certain that America will elect yet Phillip Phillips as Season 11's American Idol.
What do you think?!?!
Round One - Simon Fuller's Song Picks
- Jessica Sanchez sings "Nothing" by Whitney Houston - Perfect song choice! Really nice delivery as Jessica is a natural when it comes to singing these diva ballads. I loved how she still performed very well but didn't give us everything that she had.. She needs to save the wow moments for the end of the show..
- Phillip Phillips sings "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King - I love his laid-back indie approach to this popular standard. His rendition was very tender and showcased great musicality. However, did not demonstrate incredible vocal ability by any means. I agree with Randy, Jessica definitely won this round.
Round Two - The Singers' Favorite Song of the Season
- Jessica Sanchez sings "The Prayer" - Gorgeous rendition of this classic song. It is quite an accomplishment to tackle a song that is actually a DUET with both Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. I love how her performance was so emotional and powerful. She could have easily belted out that last note, but she flipped into her head voice and led us wanting more.
- Phillip Phillips sings "Movin Out" by Billy Joel - This is a neat arrangement of this song. Phillip's phrasing was really interesting and he did a great job building up to the end of the song. My only gripe was that he literally looked like he was in pain during his performance. Great growl and climax to the end.
Round Three - Their Potential Winning Song
- Jessica Sanchez sings "Change Nothing" - The melody was a little interesting but she opened up really nicely in those big notes. I felt like the song showcased her range really nicely but the arrangement was really strange- there was no soul, no flavor or style. I don't know if this will take her to the top.
- Phillip Phillips sings "Home" - The song was a little boring but I love that catchy little indie hook at the end. The marching band made the production even more special. This song sounds like The Shins in the Garden State. It was a great performance but don't agree that it merited a standing ovation from the judges!
Well, I am very frustrated because it seems like another WGWG is going to win American Idol this year. I agree that Phillip has a wonderful style, but is this competition about singing or about style???
1- Round One Winner - Jessica
2- Round Two Winner - Even
3- Round Three Winner - Phillip
Its gonna be a toss up, but I am pretty certain that America will elect yet Phillip Phillips as Season 11's American Idol.
What do you think?!?!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Joshua Ledet Eliminated from American Idol: Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips Compete in Finale
After a suspenseful Top 3 elimination on American Idol Season 11, tonight we said goodbye to the very talented Joshua Ledet. Throughout the competition, Joshua demonstrated incredible growth as both vocalist and performer. He brought a unique flavor to the competition with his artful approach to vocal improvisation and dramatic performance. He married jazz, gospel and R&B and cultivated an incredible style behind an amazing voice. I was not a fan at first, but fell in love with his riveting performance of "It's a Man's Man's World" by James Brown. Check out how this kid pulled off this classic performance last week:
How epic and fierce was that performance... from start to finish!? Ah-ma-zing!
Anyway, it was a shocker (for me at least) that he was eliminated tonight. Joshua proved to be a very strong contender in this competition, but sadly will not be crowned as this year's Idol.
This means that next week's finale will narrow it down to our resident teen diva, Jessica Sanchez vs our token White Guy With Guitar (WGWG), Phillip Phillips. With these two in the finale, the franchise risks losing another talented female in the finale.
I truly believe that Jessica is the obvious winner in this season of American Idol. Phillip is more of a musician than a vocalist. He has great style and excellent instincts but his vocal ability pales to comparison to mostly everyone who made it to the Top 13 this year. Jessica, however, is a blossoming diva with all of the vocal chops necessary to be the next blockbuster Idol. She is soulful, youthful and powerful. We haven't seen that kind of female talent since Season 6's Jordin Sparks. For the sake of the show and its Billboard livelihood, Jessica is going to really need to prove herself next week... There needs to be female Idol this year.
And the rest of us??? We need to vote accordingly. Who do YOU think should be our next American Idol???
I am rooting for Little Miss Jessica Sanchez.
How epic and fierce was that performance... from start to finish!? Ah-ma-zing!
Anyway, it was a shocker (for me at least) that he was eliminated tonight. Joshua proved to be a very strong contender in this competition, but sadly will not be crowned as this year's Idol.
This means that next week's finale will narrow it down to our resident teen diva, Jessica Sanchez vs our token White Guy With Guitar (WGWG), Phillip Phillips. With these two in the finale, the franchise risks losing another talented female in the finale.
I truly believe that Jessica is the obvious winner in this season of American Idol. Phillip is more of a musician than a vocalist. He has great style and excellent instincts but his vocal ability pales to comparison to mostly everyone who made it to the Top 13 this year. Jessica, however, is a blossoming diva with all of the vocal chops necessary to be the next blockbuster Idol. She is soulful, youthful and powerful. We haven't seen that kind of female talent since Season 6's Jordin Sparks. For the sake of the show and its Billboard livelihood, Jessica is going to really need to prove herself next week... There needs to be female Idol this year.
And the rest of us??? We need to vote accordingly. Who do YOU think should be our next American Idol???
I am rooting for Little Miss Jessica Sanchez.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Belting Without Ruining Your Voice by Cari Cole
To add to last week's blogpost about belting, I came across this cute little video from Cari Cole, a professional contemporary vocal coach from New York City.
Cari makes three really strong points about how to belt without ruining your voice:
1- Take a deep breath, because breath propels and fuels the voice.
2- Don't hit the note really hard and create tension on your vocal muscles.
3- Open your mouth wider to create more space for the sound to circulate in.
This video describes very similar methods that I use in my lessons, but instead she describes it in her own words and is very helpful. Belting simply requires proper breath support, lack of pushing and lots of practice! Be patient with your practicing because your muscles need to work out in order to become stronger! The same goes for singing. =)
Hope this helps!
Cari makes three really strong points about how to belt without ruining your voice:
1- Take a deep breath, because breath propels and fuels the voice.
2- Don't hit the note really hard and create tension on your vocal muscles.
3- Open your mouth wider to create more space for the sound to circulate in.
This video describes very similar methods that I use in my lessons, but instead she describes it in her own words and is very helpful. Belting simply requires proper breath support, lack of pushing and lots of practice! Be patient with your practicing because your muscles need to work out in order to become stronger! The same goes for singing. =)
Hope this helps!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Season 11's American Idol Top 4 Performers
At this point of the competition on Season 11's American Idol, it could be anyone's game. Tonight we witnessed our Top 4 finalists-- Hollie Cavanagh, Joshua Ledet, Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez-- sing for their lives! Here is what I thought about each of the performances:
Round One: California Dreamin'
- Phillip Phillip sings "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" by Creedance Clearwater - I love that Phillip showcased a little bit more range. His belt was clear and healthy, since he's finally stopped singing with his throat. Still boring, but definitely hearing a lot of improvements with his voice.
- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Faithfully" by Journey - This girl is peaking at the right time! I loved how she really held back in the beginning and gave us those beautiful big notes at the end. She utilized her technicality to give us so much power, confidence and emotion. Great performance!
- Joshua Ledet sings "You Raise Me Up" - Keeps swallowing phrases, not enough breath in verses. Key change did him well because he was able to redeem himself. His outro was extremely impressive and showcased impeccable range.
- Jessica Sanchez sings "Steal Away" by Etta James - Incredible phrasing, control and style! This girl's vocal performance is way beyond her years! She showcased attitude, growl, power and incredible melodic chops. Her flips to her head voice were very impressive and she just nailed it!
Round Two: Songs that Inspire Them
Phillip Phillips sings "Volcano" by Damien Rice - I agree with Randy that this is one of Phillip's best performances this season! It was very well sung, passionate and simply sexy. This is Phillip in his true element.. but is it enough?
Hollie Cavanagh sings "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt - This song was just too mature for little Hollie to tackle. She tried her hardest to evoke emotion, but came across rigid and robotic. I was disappointed with some of her melodic choices as she didn't "go for it" like I know she could. The tempo should have also been a lot slower. Sorry, girl!
Joshua Ledet sings "It's a Man's Man's World" by James Brown - FIERCE! The outfit, the attitude, the staging, the instrumentation, the arrangement.... flawless! His range, control, growl, passion and maturity are ridiculous! I really wanted a female to win Idol this year, but Joshua keeps outdoing himself. This performance was epic!
Jessica Sanchez sings "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going" by Jennifer Holliday - Perfect song choice!!! This performance showcased her passion, power and confidence and she delivered it flawlessly! The entire song felt like she was climbing a big mountain and she executed it with maturity well above her years. What a Diva!
I think its obvious where the divide in the talent is based off of tonight's performances, overall consistency and performer track records.
Its a battle between Jessica and Joshua.. Hollie and Phillip have no chance. Phillip might stay for another week because of the female teen demographic, but will have no chance of making it to the finale. Hollie will most likely be packing her bags tomorrow night.
What do you think?!
Round One: California Dreamin'
- Phillip Phillip sings "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" by Creedance Clearwater - I love that Phillip showcased a little bit more range. His belt was clear and healthy, since he's finally stopped singing with his throat. Still boring, but definitely hearing a lot of improvements with his voice.
- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Faithfully" by Journey - This girl is peaking at the right time! I loved how she really held back in the beginning and gave us those beautiful big notes at the end. She utilized her technicality to give us so much power, confidence and emotion. Great performance!
- Joshua Ledet sings "You Raise Me Up" - Keeps swallowing phrases, not enough breath in verses. Key change did him well because he was able to redeem himself. His outro was extremely impressive and showcased impeccable range.
- Jessica Sanchez sings "Steal Away" by Etta James - Incredible phrasing, control and style! This girl's vocal performance is way beyond her years! She showcased attitude, growl, power and incredible melodic chops. Her flips to her head voice were very impressive and she just nailed it!
Round Two: Songs that Inspire Them
Phillip Phillips sings "Volcano" by Damien Rice - I agree with Randy that this is one of Phillip's best performances this season! It was very well sung, passionate and simply sexy. This is Phillip in his true element.. but is it enough?
Hollie Cavanagh sings "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt - This song was just too mature for little Hollie to tackle. She tried her hardest to evoke emotion, but came across rigid and robotic. I was disappointed with some of her melodic choices as she didn't "go for it" like I know she could. The tempo should have also been a lot slower. Sorry, girl!
Joshua Ledet sings "It's a Man's Man's World" by James Brown - FIERCE! The outfit, the attitude, the staging, the instrumentation, the arrangement.... flawless! His range, control, growl, passion and maturity are ridiculous! I really wanted a female to win Idol this year, but Joshua keeps outdoing himself. This performance was epic!
Jessica Sanchez sings "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going" by Jennifer Holliday - Perfect song choice!!! This performance showcased her passion, power and confidence and she delivered it flawlessly! The entire song felt like she was climbing a big mountain and she executed it with maturity well above her years. What a Diva!
I think its obvious where the divide in the talent is based off of tonight's performances, overall consistency and performer track records.
Its a battle between Jessica and Joshua.. Hollie and Phillip have no chance. Phillip might stay for another week because of the female teen demographic, but will have no chance of making it to the finale. Hollie will most likely be packing her bags tomorrow night.
What do you think?!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Jermaine Paul Wins The Voice
After an even better 2nd season, Team Blake's Jermaine Paul wins The Voice. The former Alicia Keys background singer proved to be the most consistent, solid performer of the season and is now on his way to reaching his dreams as a solo artist. Here is a touching video of his final performance singing the R. Kelly classic, "I Believe I Can Fly" - a moving performance which helped to propel him to the the top:
Honestly, I was actually rooting for opera crooner, Chris Mann because of his impeccable voice. But America did get this one right... I concur that Jermaine Paul was definitely the most professional quality performer of the show. His vocal deliveries were extremely precise, polished and impressively emotional. His mature talent is truly amazing and he deserves the title of this very competitive season of The Voice!
Go Jermaine! America can't wait to hear your album! We hope that you can bring authentic R&B and soul back into our mainstream radio play!
Do you agree Jermaine Paul should have won The Voice??? =)
Honestly, I was actually rooting for opera crooner, Chris Mann because of his impeccable voice. But America did get this one right... I concur that Jermaine Paul was definitely the most professional quality performer of the show. His vocal deliveries were extremely precise, polished and impressively emotional. His mature talent is truly amazing and he deserves the title of this very competitive season of The Voice!
Go Jermaine! America can't wait to hear your album! We hope that you can bring authentic R&B and soul back into our mainstream radio play!
Do you agree Jermaine Paul should have won The Voice??? =)
Friday, May 4, 2012
How To Belt High Notes
In my conquest to keep expanding my "pop" style voice and belt high notes, I have found myself still trying to climb through my passaggio and keep a full, resonant "belty" sound. I was always taught to sing in head voice and after many years have developed a very strong mixed sound. But ever since I began to listen to singers on a daily basis, I have started to notice many other types of belting methods.
In my journey to become a better vocalist and coach, I came across this fascinating video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
We all want to sound like Divas.. We all want to be able to belt those money notes with power, confidence and ease... Hopefully this video can help us understand the many options (both right and wrong) that we have with our fascinating instrument.. Our one and only VOICE. =)
In my journey to become a better vocalist and coach, I came across this fascinating video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
We all want to sound like Divas.. We all want to be able to belt those money notes with power, confidence and ease... Hopefully this video can help us understand the many options (both right and wrong) that we have with our fascinating instrument.. Our one and only VOICE. =)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Season 11's Top 5 American Idol Singers Perform!
Its another double theme night on American Idol. Season 11's Top 5 American Idol performers gave us their best renditions of songs from the 60s and from the UK. Weird theme, but Jimmy Iovine is back and I am happy to watch him mentor our singers with Steven Van Zandt. Here's a recap:
Round 1 - 60's Music
Hollie Cavanagh sings "River Deep, Mountain High" by Ike & Tina Turner - Shakey and off pitch introduction, but then she really opened up as she built up the chorus. She really came out of her shell and gave us a nice, sassy side. Not every note was perfect.. However, like always she gave us an awesome last diva note! You can really see (and hear) Hollie fighting for what she wants!
Phillip Phillip sings "The Letter" by The Box Tops" - After watching Phillip's performance, I was convinced that I had never heard of this song before. But then I looked up the original version on youtube and recognized it. Phillip took a lot of liberty with the melody and even though I agree with the judges that he made this song his own, he basically made up a completely different song. There is a fine line between arranging an original version of a song and completely rewriting the whole thing. He crossed that line tonight.
Skylar Laine sings "Fortunate Son" by Creedance Clearwater Revival - We all know that Skylar is a spitfire on stage. She really knows how to work the crowd and is sassy, confident and full of energy. I thought the song choice was right up her alley but maybe a little too much of what we have seen her do in the past? To her defense, her stage presence has blossomed even more. She truly worked that ENTIRE stage and gave a solid, professional concert-quality performance!
Phillip & Joshua sing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" by The Righteous Brothers - What an awful rendition of a beautiful song! These two singers can not be anymore different! Their voices completely clashed in timbre and caused serious tuning issues to the point where the harmonies were dissonant and ugly! Ahhhh! This also showcased how much BETTER of a singer Joshua is compared to Phillip. The dude totally got slaughtered by Joshua's thick, soulful vocals. Not a great performance AT ALL.
Jessica Sanchez sings "Proud Mary" by Ike & Tina Turner - I felt that Jessica did a great job showing us some growth with this song. We all know that uptempos are not her forte but she is definitely getting better. Her time feel has improved as well as her overall ability to crisp her phrases and control her vibrato. She looked a little awkward on stage and needs to work on her blocking and choreography, but did a great job tackling such a difficult song!
Joshua Ledet sings "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" by The Temptations - This song is right up his alley and I completely agree with Randy that Joshua could potential resurrect old school R&B into the new generation mainstream. He laid really nicely in the pocket and gave us an easy, natural and very well done performance.
Round 2 - Brit Pop:
Hollie Cavanagh sings "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis - I commend Hollie for choosing such a difficult song.. in fact, I have been working on that song for MONTHS and I'm still not happy with it! Anyway, her delivery was flawless; it was intimate and beautiful. I would have loved to have heard her hit the high "A" in the song, but she kept it safe and performed it very well.
Phillip Phillip sings "Time of Season" - Phillip finally decides to stick with the original melody and although he performs the song in a slower, groovier tempo, he failed to make his performance memorable. I was bored and his falsetto was consistently underpitched. The boy may have just hit his glass ceiling at Idol!
Skylar, Jessica & Hollie AKA The Diva Trio sings "Higher and Higher" by Jackie Wilson - It's always hard to share the stage with fellow divas but I think the girls did a great song sharing the spotlight and nailing their harmonies! Not my favorite arrangement, but they did really well.
Skylar Laine sings "You Don't Have to Love Me" by Dusty Springfield - Sing it, girl! Great job tearing up that ballad and making it your own! And holy RANGE! This girl really showcased her chops and gave us an emotional delivery. As J.Lo said in her critique, Skylar really might win this whole thing!
Jessica Sanchez sings "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker - Beautiful and tender delivery.. but we all know that Jessica can sing the heck out of a ballad. Her performance was very sophisticated, but that last note was flat. She needs to really work on the intonation in her higher register. The judges loved it and I think she's amazing, but wonder if she will make it to the top like they say she is...
Joshua Ledet sings "Too Love Somebody" by The Bee Gees - Well of course the judges gave Joshua another standing ovation.. I was waiting for it. His performance was amazing. He did an excellent job delivering an effective dynamic contrast and passion. He kept it low in the beginning and gave us his signature scream at the end. I'm just kind of tired of that scream to be quite honest...
So.. who is going home?!
Phillip was by far the weakest of the night and I would HOPE that America votes accordingly. Hollie really stepped up her game, but am not sure if she will be safe. I feel that Skylar and Joshua were the most consistent tonight and predict that they will be safe. Jessica is in the middle for me this time.
It's time to get rid of our WGWG (white guy with guitar) and time to have a DIVA win this thing!
What do you all think?!?!
Round 1 - 60's Music
Hollie Cavanagh sings "River Deep, Mountain High" by Ike & Tina Turner - Shakey and off pitch introduction, but then she really opened up as she built up the chorus. She really came out of her shell and gave us a nice, sassy side. Not every note was perfect.. However, like always she gave us an awesome last diva note! You can really see (and hear) Hollie fighting for what she wants!
Phillip Phillip sings "The Letter" by The Box Tops" - After watching Phillip's performance, I was convinced that I had never heard of this song before. But then I looked up the original version on youtube and recognized it. Phillip took a lot of liberty with the melody and even though I agree with the judges that he made this song his own, he basically made up a completely different song. There is a fine line between arranging an original version of a song and completely rewriting the whole thing. He crossed that line tonight.
Skylar Laine sings "Fortunate Son" by Creedance Clearwater Revival - We all know that Skylar is a spitfire on stage. She really knows how to work the crowd and is sassy, confident and full of energy. I thought the song choice was right up her alley but maybe a little too much of what we have seen her do in the past? To her defense, her stage presence has blossomed even more. She truly worked that ENTIRE stage and gave a solid, professional concert-quality performance!
Phillip & Joshua sing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" by The Righteous Brothers - What an awful rendition of a beautiful song! These two singers can not be anymore different! Their voices completely clashed in timbre and caused serious tuning issues to the point where the harmonies were dissonant and ugly! Ahhhh! This also showcased how much BETTER of a singer Joshua is compared to Phillip. The dude totally got slaughtered by Joshua's thick, soulful vocals. Not a great performance AT ALL.
Jessica Sanchez sings "Proud Mary" by Ike & Tina Turner - I felt that Jessica did a great job showing us some growth with this song. We all know that uptempos are not her forte but she is definitely getting better. Her time feel has improved as well as her overall ability to crisp her phrases and control her vibrato. She looked a little awkward on stage and needs to work on her blocking and choreography, but did a great job tackling such a difficult song!
Joshua Ledet sings "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" by The Temptations - This song is right up his alley and I completely agree with Randy that Joshua could potential resurrect old school R&B into the new generation mainstream. He laid really nicely in the pocket and gave us an easy, natural and very well done performance.
Round 2 - Brit Pop:
Hollie Cavanagh sings "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis - I commend Hollie for choosing such a difficult song.. in fact, I have been working on that song for MONTHS and I'm still not happy with it! Anyway, her delivery was flawless; it was intimate and beautiful. I would have loved to have heard her hit the high "A" in the song, but she kept it safe and performed it very well.
Phillip Phillip sings "Time of Season" - Phillip finally decides to stick with the original melody and although he performs the song in a slower, groovier tempo, he failed to make his performance memorable. I was bored and his falsetto was consistently underpitched. The boy may have just hit his glass ceiling at Idol!
Skylar, Jessica & Hollie AKA The Diva Trio sings "Higher and Higher" by Jackie Wilson - It's always hard to share the stage with fellow divas but I think the girls did a great song sharing the spotlight and nailing their harmonies! Not my favorite arrangement, but they did really well.
Skylar Laine sings "You Don't Have to Love Me" by Dusty Springfield - Sing it, girl! Great job tearing up that ballad and making it your own! And holy RANGE! This girl really showcased her chops and gave us an emotional delivery. As J.Lo said in her critique, Skylar really might win this whole thing!
Jessica Sanchez sings "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker - Beautiful and tender delivery.. but we all know that Jessica can sing the heck out of a ballad. Her performance was very sophisticated, but that last note was flat. She needs to really work on the intonation in her higher register. The judges loved it and I think she's amazing, but wonder if she will make it to the top like they say she is...
Joshua Ledet sings "Too Love Somebody" by The Bee Gees - Well of course the judges gave Joshua another standing ovation.. I was waiting for it. His performance was amazing. He did an excellent job delivering an effective dynamic contrast and passion. He kept it low in the beginning and gave us his signature scream at the end. I'm just kind of tired of that scream to be quite honest...
So.. who is going home?!
Phillip was by far the weakest of the night and I would HOPE that America votes accordingly. Hollie really stepped up her game, but am not sure if she will be safe. I feel that Skylar and Joshua were the most consistent tonight and predict that they will be safe. Jessica is in the middle for me this time.
It's time to get rid of our WGWG (white guy with guitar) and time to have a DIVA win this thing!
What do you all think?!?!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Season 11's American Idol Top 6 Perform
This week our favorite Top 6 American Idol singers performed songs from Queen as well as songs that meant a lot to them. The competition is getting stiffer week after week and this is what I thought about tonight's performances:
Round 1:
Jessica Sanchez sings "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Top notes were all flat and agree with J.Lo that she needed to rock out more. When she sang the big parts she sounded great.. just needs to work on consistency!
Skylar Laine sings "The Show Must Go On" - I love her! She needed to show off her high notes and she truly nailed it! She has such great range, perfect pitch and excellent emotion!
Joshua Ledet sings "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" - Great vocals! I love the attitude, the timing, the melodic choices and the style! Flawless and very classy!
Elise Testone sings "I Want It All" - Shakey introduction...but after she warmed up she really opened up. Some of her notes were just incredible. I agree with the judges that she was truly in her element with this song choice!
Phillip Phillips sings "Fat Bottomed Girls" - The popping vein on his forehead is really distracting.. Anyway, this was a great song choice for him but I'm honestly bored with this dude. I enjoy the character behind his voice but feel like we have seen and heard everything.
Hollie Cavanagh sings "Save Me" - I didn't really believe her performance. Her voice is absolutely beautiful but she lacked the confidence and emotion that you need to be a great performer. She was good but maybe not good enough.
Round 2:
Jessica Sanchez sings "Dance With My Father" by Luther Vandross - So beautiful, so believable and so well done! This was a safe and easy song choice for her because it was right in her element. It was very tender and not over the top. Jessica saved herself from her last performance. =)
Skylar Laine sings "Tattoos On This Town" by Jason Aldean - I love when she plays the guitar! It was also a safe song choice, but it was great to hear her sing a country song because she just sings it well. I also loved that she showcased her range some more.
Joshua Ledet sings "Ready To Love" by india.aire - Beautiful song choice and wonderful, emotional delivery! I wish he wouldn't scream in every song but he gave us an awesome ending! That run at the end was phenomenal but do the judges have to give him a standing ovation EVERY time?!
Elise Testone sings "Bold As Love" by Jimmy Hendrix - Awesome job! I love her runs! She is so musically sophisticated, gave us great style, an awesome scat and just truly, in J.Lo's words, "slayed" that song. And I don't agree with Randy AT ALL! She did great!
Phillip Phillips sings "#41" by Dave Matthews Band - Very obscure and kinda kitschy. I loved the instrumentation and felt like he sounded great. However, if you close your eyes it sounds too much like Dave Matthews.. He might not be safe this week.
Hollie Cavanagh sings "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus - Her first standing ovation from the judges! This song fits her like a glove! Those top notes were perfect and she did a great job holding back and pushing forward when it was needed. Nice job!
Tonight's performances were awesome, but I truly missed watching the coaching sessions with Jimmy Iovine. Its fascinating to watch their transformations in the studio and I love hearing what Jimmy has to say about each performer. I also didn't like that the songs and performers were not introduced before each performance. What was up with that!? It left me wondering what the songs were called and I actually had to google some of the more obscure choices! All in all, the performances were really solid and its anyone's game at this point.
My predictions:
Top 3 - Jessica, Skylar and Joshua
Bottom 3 - Hollie, Elise and Phillip
Elise should be safe and we might say goodbye to Hollie or Phillip.. What do you all think!?
Round 1:
Jessica Sanchez sings "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Top notes were all flat and agree with J.Lo that she needed to rock out more. When she sang the big parts she sounded great.. just needs to work on consistency!
Skylar Laine sings "The Show Must Go On" - I love her! She needed to show off her high notes and she truly nailed it! She has such great range, perfect pitch and excellent emotion!
Joshua Ledet sings "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" - Great vocals! I love the attitude, the timing, the melodic choices and the style! Flawless and very classy!
Elise Testone sings "I Want It All" - Shakey introduction...but after she warmed up she really opened up. Some of her notes were just incredible. I agree with the judges that she was truly in her element with this song choice!
Phillip Phillips sings "Fat Bottomed Girls" - The popping vein on his forehead is really distracting.. Anyway, this was a great song choice for him but I'm honestly bored with this dude. I enjoy the character behind his voice but feel like we have seen and heard everything.
Hollie Cavanagh sings "Save Me" - I didn't really believe her performance. Her voice is absolutely beautiful but she lacked the confidence and emotion that you need to be a great performer. She was good but maybe not good enough.
Round 2:
Jessica Sanchez sings "Dance With My Father" by Luther Vandross - So beautiful, so believable and so well done! This was a safe and easy song choice for her because it was right in her element. It was very tender and not over the top. Jessica saved herself from her last performance. =)
Skylar Laine sings "Tattoos On This Town" by Jason Aldean - I love when she plays the guitar! It was also a safe song choice, but it was great to hear her sing a country song because she just sings it well. I also loved that she showcased her range some more.
Joshua Ledet sings "Ready To Love" by india.aire - Beautiful song choice and wonderful, emotional delivery! I wish he wouldn't scream in every song but he gave us an awesome ending! That run at the end was phenomenal but do the judges have to give him a standing ovation EVERY time?!
Elise Testone sings "Bold As Love" by Jimmy Hendrix - Awesome job! I love her runs! She is so musically sophisticated, gave us great style, an awesome scat and just truly, in J.Lo's words, "slayed" that song. And I don't agree with Randy AT ALL! She did great!
Phillip Phillips sings "#41" by Dave Matthews Band - Very obscure and kinda kitschy. I loved the instrumentation and felt like he sounded great. However, if you close your eyes it sounds too much like Dave Matthews.. He might not be safe this week.
Hollie Cavanagh sings "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus - Her first standing ovation from the judges! This song fits her like a glove! Those top notes were perfect and she did a great job holding back and pushing forward when it was needed. Nice job!
Tonight's performances were awesome, but I truly missed watching the coaching sessions with Jimmy Iovine. Its fascinating to watch their transformations in the studio and I love hearing what Jimmy has to say about each performer. I also didn't like that the songs and performers were not introduced before each performance. What was up with that!? It left me wondering what the songs were called and I actually had to google some of the more obscure choices! All in all, the performances were really solid and its anyone's game at this point.
My predictions:
Top 3 - Jessica, Skylar and Joshua
Bottom 3 - Hollie, Elise and Phillip
Elise should be safe and we might say goodbye to Hollie or Phillip.. What do you all think!?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Season 11 American Idol: Goodbye Colton Dixon
Tonight we witnessed Season 11's Top 7 American Idol performers sit on pins and needles as Ryan Seacrest unveiled this week's verdict. Wow - what an exciting elimination! With Jessica Sanchez being at the bottom last week and the intensity of the competition getting stronger, it was really going to be a toss up as to who would go home tonight...
Throughout this competition, Colton has delivered solid performances. His cool indie rocker style and sexy falsetto have left him safe week after week. I agree that he may not have been this season's best vocalist, but the boy has talent. I admire his ability to completely arrange songs with his unique flavor. He is more of an artist and songwriter. He reminds me of the rock band Muse.
I believe that Colton will be American Idol's next Daughtry. Give this boy a couple of months and he will be signed to a record label and fronting his own band... American Idol was just a stepping stone for him.
Best of luck to you Colton!
And so now there were 6... looking forward to next week!
Tonight, consequently, we said goodbye to rocker Colton Dixon:
Throughout this competition, Colton has delivered solid performances. His cool indie rocker style and sexy falsetto have left him safe week after week. I agree that he may not have been this season's best vocalist, but the boy has talent. I admire his ability to completely arrange songs with his unique flavor. He is more of an artist and songwriter. He reminds me of the rock band Muse.
I believe that Colton will be American Idol's next Daughtry. Give this boy a couple of months and he will be signed to a record label and fronting his own band... American Idol was just a stepping stone for him.
Best of luck to you Colton!
And so now there were 6... looking forward to next week!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
American Idol Top 7 Perform Songs from Then & Now
Here is a recap of this week's Top 7 American Idol Performances as the singers interpret songs from Then & Now...
Hollie Cavanagh sings "Rolling In The Deep" by Adele - Extremely risky as NO ONE should ever sing this song unless you are Adele. But I honestly feel like she really nailed it. The voice was strong and powerful and her delivery was sassy and heartfelt. You go girl!
Then - "Son of A Preacher Man" - Sounded great but was missing the dynamic contrast. However, she gave the BEST last note of the night... 2 weeks in a row ;)
Colton Dixon sings "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga - Awesome arrangement! I love the half time chorus and the bridge sounded pretty sexy! Colton is consistent and has great style.
Then - Earth, Wind & Fire sings "September" - Love this arrangement yet again! Colton may not have the best voice but can arguably create the best arrangements of songs week after week! Not sure if he will be save because the other singers really brought it this year!
Elise Testone sings "No One" by Alicia Keys - I loved the melodic choices during the intro of the song. However, it needed to be a little bit sweeter than what she delivered. Overall, not the best song choice for what she could potentially do.
Then - "Lets Get it On" by Marvin Gaye - Very cool sexy, jazzy interpretation. It is clear that she is very musically sophisticated, so why does she lack the fan base that others so naturally have? She is a true professional but fear that she is going home next.
Phillips Phillips sings "You Got it Bad" by Usher - Really nice arrangement and interpretation of this classic Usher song. Still needed to show more range and dynamics, but loved the style.
Then "Midnight Hour" by Wilson Pickett - Same performance again. This dude is talented but I've heard him sing literally the same song every week. Maybe he is too much of an individual and just can't help being "himself." Hmmm... luckily it picked up during the end of the song, but is it enough? Not sure if it is....
Jessica Sanchez "Fallin" by Alicia Keys - Safe song choice but she delivered it very well. Effortless, flawless and amazing. Girl has talent, style and charisma when she sings. She is ready to go.
Then "Try A Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding - NICE! This girly has so much control, power and style. She truly made this song her own - best performance of the night!
Skylar Laine sings "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga - LOVED the country interpretation. Excellent reharm, growl and stylization! She is an awesome performer!
Then "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye - Not sure if it there was too much melodic freedom, but I loved her ability to take this classic R&B tune and transform it into a modern country arrangement. Consistent, solid and "brilliant" as Randy said. ;)
Joshua Ledet sings "I Believe" by Joshua Ledet - I loved that he showcased his lower register and gave us a little bit less of his signature shriek. We know you can blow and I'm glad that you showed us just a little bit of restraint!
Then "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke - Amazing, but I was honestly a little bit bored. Too much screaming for my taste. I am not sure how big of a disconnect there was between the live performance and the national broadcast because I am questioning the judges' standing ovation...
Overall, the talent is extremely impressive this year. I can honestly say that every single one of these performers deserve record deals that will propel them into successful careers in the music industry. Joshua is the next gospel star, Colton needs to front a rock band, Phillip is straight up ready to take over the indie/acoustic rock scene, Jessica is going to rule Top 40, Hollie could make it big on Broadway, Skylar is going to be the next country music sensation and Elise is gonna tear it up as a jazz/blues singer/songwriter. I've never been so passionate about the group that we have this year....its going to be difficult to say goodbye to someone tomorrow!
But honestly, I'm thinking our girl Elise will be going home. Thankfully, she will do well because she actually has experience and education and is just probably not gonna win this competition...
What do you think?!
Hollie Cavanagh sings "Rolling In The Deep" by Adele - Extremely risky as NO ONE should ever sing this song unless you are Adele. But I honestly feel like she really nailed it. The voice was strong and powerful and her delivery was sassy and heartfelt. You go girl!
Then - "Son of A Preacher Man" - Sounded great but was missing the dynamic contrast. However, she gave the BEST last note of the night... 2 weeks in a row ;)
Colton Dixon sings "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga - Awesome arrangement! I love the half time chorus and the bridge sounded pretty sexy! Colton is consistent and has great style.
Then - Earth, Wind & Fire sings "September" - Love this arrangement yet again! Colton may not have the best voice but can arguably create the best arrangements of songs week after week! Not sure if he will be save because the other singers really brought it this year!
Elise Testone sings "No One" by Alicia Keys - I loved the melodic choices during the intro of the song. However, it needed to be a little bit sweeter than what she delivered. Overall, not the best song choice for what she could potentially do.
Then - "Lets Get it On" by Marvin Gaye - Very cool sexy, jazzy interpretation. It is clear that she is very musically sophisticated, so why does she lack the fan base that others so naturally have? She is a true professional but fear that she is going home next.
Phillips Phillips sings "You Got it Bad" by Usher - Really nice arrangement and interpretation of this classic Usher song. Still needed to show more range and dynamics, but loved the style.
Then "Midnight Hour" by Wilson Pickett - Same performance again. This dude is talented but I've heard him sing literally the same song every week. Maybe he is too much of an individual and just can't help being "himself." Hmmm... luckily it picked up during the end of the song, but is it enough? Not sure if it is....
Jessica Sanchez "Fallin" by Alicia Keys - Safe song choice but she delivered it very well. Effortless, flawless and amazing. Girl has talent, style and charisma when she sings. She is ready to go.
Then "Try A Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding - NICE! This girly has so much control, power and style. She truly made this song her own - best performance of the night!
Skylar Laine sings "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga - LOVED the country interpretation. Excellent reharm, growl and stylization! She is an awesome performer!
Then "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye - Not sure if it there was too much melodic freedom, but I loved her ability to take this classic R&B tune and transform it into a modern country arrangement. Consistent, solid and "brilliant" as Randy said. ;)
Joshua Ledet sings "I Believe" by Joshua Ledet - I loved that he showcased his lower register and gave us a little bit less of his signature shriek. We know you can blow and I'm glad that you showed us just a little bit of restraint!
Then "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke - Amazing, but I was honestly a little bit bored. Too much screaming for my taste. I am not sure how big of a disconnect there was between the live performance and the national broadcast because I am questioning the judges' standing ovation...
Overall, the talent is extremely impressive this year. I can honestly say that every single one of these performers deserve record deals that will propel them into successful careers in the music industry. Joshua is the next gospel star, Colton needs to front a rock band, Phillip is straight up ready to take over the indie/acoustic rock scene, Jessica is going to rule Top 40, Hollie could make it big on Broadway, Skylar is going to be the next country music sensation and Elise is gonna tear it up as a jazz/blues singer/songwriter. I've never been so passionate about the group that we have this year....its going to be difficult to say goodbye to someone tomorrow!
But honestly, I'm thinking our girl Elise will be going home. Thankfully, she will do well because she actually has experience and education and is just probably not gonna win this competition...
What do you think?!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
American Idol Season 11 - Top 7 Perform Songs from This Decade
Tonight we watched Season 11's Top 7 American Idols compete and sing their favorite songs from "this decade." Special guest mentor Akon joined the show's resident critic Jimmy Iovine to coach our singers before they hit the stage. This is a quick recap of tonight's performances:
1- Skylar Laine sings "Didn't Know How Much You Love Me" by Kellie Pickler - Another stellar performance! Choosing this country ballad was absolutely brilliant.. She played to her strengths, showcased her range and gave us that power and conviction that we needed. And she even threw in her little guitar! So cute and SO talented! Love this girl. =)
2- Colton Dixon sings "Love the Way You Lie" by Skylar Grey - Beautiful but boring. The only part of the song that captivated me was the bridge but I felt like he could have relished in that moment for just a little bit longer. However, he gave us a great falsetto and excellent arrangement.
3- Jessica Sanchez sings "Stuttering" by Jasmine Sullivan - This diva delivered an incredible rendition of this unknown song. What could have turned out to be risky song choice, ended up being brilliant. We know that she has power and range, but now we know that she has incredible style. Beautifully done!
4- Joshua Ledet sings "Runaway Bride" by Bruno Mars - Great song choice.. loved how he added his special Joshua style and flavor to his performance. SO much power, control and passion. Like Steven Tyler said, he did a great job "selling" the song. His track record is quite possibly the most solid out of everybody else in this year's competition.
5- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Perfect" by Pink - The introduction was shakey...yet again. The key should have been brought up a half step because the low notes on the verses were way off. Her voice is incredible, but its sad that she lacks any emotion when she sings. But that high note at the end was frickin awesome. The girl just needs to keep singing; she has a lot of potential. ;)
Well.. it turns out that my DVR decided to stop recording during Hollie's judges critique and unfortunately I will not have a completed critique until tomorrow morning when the youtube videos will be posted.
(ahhh... technology!?!)
1- Skylar Laine sings "Didn't Know How Much You Love Me" by Kellie Pickler - Another stellar performance! Choosing this country ballad was absolutely brilliant.. She played to her strengths, showcased her range and gave us that power and conviction that we needed. And she even threw in her little guitar! So cute and SO talented! Love this girl. =)
2- Colton Dixon sings "Love the Way You Lie" by Skylar Grey - Beautiful but boring. The only part of the song that captivated me was the bridge but I felt like he could have relished in that moment for just a little bit longer. However, he gave us a great falsetto and excellent arrangement.
3- Jessica Sanchez sings "Stuttering" by Jasmine Sullivan - This diva delivered an incredible rendition of this unknown song. What could have turned out to be risky song choice, ended up being brilliant. We know that she has power and range, but now we know that she has incredible style. Beautifully done!
4- Joshua Ledet sings "Runaway Bride" by Bruno Mars - Great song choice.. loved how he added his special Joshua style and flavor to his performance. SO much power, control and passion. Like Steven Tyler said, he did a great job "selling" the song. His track record is quite possibly the most solid out of everybody else in this year's competition.
5- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Perfect" by Pink - The introduction was shakey...yet again. The key should have been brought up a half step because the low notes on the verses were way off. Her voice is incredible, but its sad that she lacks any emotion when she sings. But that high note at the end was frickin awesome. The girl just needs to keep singing; she has a lot of potential. ;)
Well.. it turns out that my DVR decided to stop recording during Hollie's judges critique and unfortunately I will not have a completed critique until tomorrow morning when the youtube videos will be posted.
(ahhh... technology!?!)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter - Handel's Messiah "Hallelujah" Sing Along
Happy Easter everyone! Today is a joyous day and what better way than to celebrate with the gifts that we have been blessed with... music! Here is an awesome video of the "Hallelujah" chorus from G.F. Handel's Messiah... complete with the sheet music to follow and sing along!
Handel composed this work in a very short time during the summer of 1741. It is said that when he got to the Hallelujah chorus, Handel was found in tears saying “I did think I saw heaven open, and saw the very face of God."
Music and singing is the best way we can celebrate and affirm our faiths and beliefs... no matter what they are!!
Handel composed this work in a very short time during the summer of 1741. It is said that when he got to the Hallelujah chorus, Handel was found in tears saying “I did think I saw heaven open, and saw the very face of God."
Music and singing is the best way we can celebrate and affirm our faiths and beliefs... no matter what they are!!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Goodbye DeAndre Brackensick - American Idol Season 11 Top 8 Elimination
This week our Top 8 American Idol singers paid tribute to my favorite decade ever... the 80s. As each week progresses, the performers continue to unravel their voices, hearts and souls in front of America. Each week however, another one will be forced to bite the dust as the competition gets tougher and tougher.
This week we said Goodbye to lion-maned teenage heartthrob, DeAndre Brackensick:
Although the judges panel continued to rave about DeAndre's signature falsetto vocals week after week, I was never a huge fan of his singing. Granted, the young singer has definitely showed some improvement with his vocal control, melodic interpretation and overall stage presence. But as Jimmy Iovine pointed out today in his critique, his improvements are merely marginal compared to the leaps and bounds that the other competitors are experiencing.
DeAndre is a special singer. He is undoubtedly unique and can do really well if he stays within his niche. He's a handsome young man with great style and marketability. He can reach great amounts of potential if he chooses wisely after this show ends.
I agree it was his time to go and wish DeAndre the best of luck!
What do you think???
This week we said Goodbye to lion-maned teenage heartthrob, DeAndre Brackensick:
Although the judges panel continued to rave about DeAndre's signature falsetto vocals week after week, I was never a huge fan of his singing. Granted, the young singer has definitely showed some improvement with his vocal control, melodic interpretation and overall stage presence. But as Jimmy Iovine pointed out today in his critique, his improvements are merely marginal compared to the leaps and bounds that the other competitors are experiencing.
DeAndre is a special singer. He is undoubtedly unique and can do really well if he stays within his niche. He's a handsome young man with great style and marketability. He can reach great amounts of potential if he chooses wisely after this show ends.
I agree it was his time to go and wish DeAndre the best of luck!
What do you think???
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
American Idol Season 11 - Top 8 Perform
It's 80s night for Season 11's American Idol Top 8 performers! This week the singers were mentored by Jimmy Iovine and No Doubt's frontwoman Gwen Stefani and bassist Tony Kanal. Here is a recap of this week's performances:
1- DeAndre Brackensick sings "I Like It" by Debarge - I am not a huge DeAndre fan, but can admit that this was one of his strongest performances. I enjoyed listening to him sing with his real voice as opposed to his falsetto. Stage presence and pitch are getting a lot better, too. He is definitely responding well to the vocal coaching that he is getting backstage. Still not my favorite, but can respect his growth!
2- Elise Testone sings "I Wanna Know What Love Is" by Foreigner - Elise's vocals are always solid; she is a consistent performer with undeniable talent. This week, however, she failed to deliver anything special. As the competition gets tougher every week, these singers are going to need to dig deep and perform creatively. The key change was iffy and the melodic choices were not as strong as the ones she has made in the past. Sorry, Elise - you may be in trouble!
3- Phillip Phillips sings "That's All" by Genesis - Great song choice and yet another solid performance to add to his track record. It was a little screamy for my taste but I totally loved the arrangement of the tune. Not sure if Phillip is an American Idol, but definitely an artist that I am starting to respect. This guy is crawling his way to the top!
4- Joshua Ledet sings "If You Don't Know Me By Now" by Simply Red- This was a perfect song choice for him. I especially enjoyed the adlib towards the end of the song. It not only showcased his powerhouse vocals but demonstrated his amazing melodic choices. Very natural, very heartfelt and overall, awesome job!
5- Jessica Sanchez sings "How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston - Jessica needs a little help when it comes to properly executing uptempo songs. Her voice is big, bright and powerful, however she needs a lesson or two on rhythm and time feel. Some of her lower notes in the verses got lost and lacked the necessary breath support and execution. However, this young diva is very talented and will most likely be safe.
6- Hollie Cavanagh sings "What A Feeling" from Flashdance - Another awful outfit choice, by the way. BUT anyway, the verses needed a little bit more support as her lower notes were a little shakey. Her voice is undoubtedly strong and beautiful, but she needs to relax and allow herself to connect to her performances. I also agree with Steven.. her pitch was all over the place. She is a loud, slightly robotic Diva in Training. Relax, girly!
7- Colton Dixon sings "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper - I truly enjoyed Colton's rendition of this classic 80s tune. The 80s was such an awesome decade and he did a wonderful time transforming this 80s anthem into a modern, rock song. Vocally, I felt like he could have pushed the dynamics and given us a little bit more of that power and adlib towards the end. Great stage presence, too!
8- Skylar Laine sings "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Celine Dion - Beautiful tone and control. It was wonderful to hear Skylar perform a ballad with such emotion and conviction. That key change showcased her range beautifully. This was the exact performance that she needed to have! Great job girl!
Tonight did not showcase the group's talents to their fullest potential. Perhaps its the pressure, the fatigue and the uncertainty that comes with a competition of this caliber. I felt like Skylar and DeAndre really put their best feet forward. Phillip and Colton continued to be solid and will glide through another week of safety. Jessica and Joshua performed a beautiful duet and will continue to be at the top. And finally, Elise and Hollie are who will most likely be in trouble.
What do you think???
1- DeAndre Brackensick sings "I Like It" by Debarge - I am not a huge DeAndre fan, but can admit that this was one of his strongest performances. I enjoyed listening to him sing with his real voice as opposed to his falsetto. Stage presence and pitch are getting a lot better, too. He is definitely responding well to the vocal coaching that he is getting backstage. Still not my favorite, but can respect his growth!
2- Elise Testone sings "I Wanna Know What Love Is" by Foreigner - Elise's vocals are always solid; she is a consistent performer with undeniable talent. This week, however, she failed to deliver anything special. As the competition gets tougher every week, these singers are going to need to dig deep and perform creatively. The key change was iffy and the melodic choices were not as strong as the ones she has made in the past. Sorry, Elise - you may be in trouble!
3- Phillip Phillips sings "That's All" by Genesis - Great song choice and yet another solid performance to add to his track record. It was a little screamy for my taste but I totally loved the arrangement of the tune. Not sure if Phillip is an American Idol, but definitely an artist that I am starting to respect. This guy is crawling his way to the top!
4- Joshua Ledet sings "If You Don't Know Me By Now" by Simply Red- This was a perfect song choice for him. I especially enjoyed the adlib towards the end of the song. It not only showcased his powerhouse vocals but demonstrated his amazing melodic choices. Very natural, very heartfelt and overall, awesome job!
5- Jessica Sanchez sings "How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston - Jessica needs a little help when it comes to properly executing uptempo songs. Her voice is big, bright and powerful, however she needs a lesson or two on rhythm and time feel. Some of her lower notes in the verses got lost and lacked the necessary breath support and execution. However, this young diva is very talented and will most likely be safe.
6- Hollie Cavanagh sings "What A Feeling" from Flashdance - Another awful outfit choice, by the way. BUT anyway, the verses needed a little bit more support as her lower notes were a little shakey. Her voice is undoubtedly strong and beautiful, but she needs to relax and allow herself to connect to her performances. I also agree with Steven.. her pitch was all over the place. She is a loud, slightly robotic Diva in Training. Relax, girly!
7- Colton Dixon sings "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper - I truly enjoyed Colton's rendition of this classic 80s tune. The 80s was such an awesome decade and he did a wonderful time transforming this 80s anthem into a modern, rock song. Vocally, I felt like he could have pushed the dynamics and given us a little bit more of that power and adlib towards the end. Great stage presence, too!
8- Skylar Laine sings "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Celine Dion - Beautiful tone and control. It was wonderful to hear Skylar perform a ballad with such emotion and conviction. That key change showcased her range beautifully. This was the exact performance that she needed to have! Great job girl!
Tonight did not showcase the group's talents to their fullest potential. Perhaps its the pressure, the fatigue and the uncertainty that comes with a competition of this caliber. I felt like Skylar and DeAndre really put their best feet forward. Phillip and Colton continued to be solid and will glide through another week of safety. Jessica and Joshua performed a beautiful duet and will continue to be at the top. And finally, Elise and Hollie are who will most likely be in trouble.
What do you think???
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The Voice - Chris Mann Performs "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
During last night's Live Performances on NBC's The Voice, we watched 12 finalists from each team perform live for America. My favorite performance of the night was definitely Chris Mann's rendition of the classic Simon & Garfunkel tune, "Bridge Over Troubled Water."
I respect his crisp classical vocal technique along with the stylizations that he added to his phrasing. Although he added adlibs and riffs, it was still simple and heartfelt. His power and clarity of tone is just gorgeous. I was carried away by his voice. His performance literally brought tears to my eyes and lifted my spirits up in a way that was inspiring and motivational.
His voice is in my opinion "The Voice" that we are looking for. However, it is clear that he is a very talented balladeer, and I am weary to see how he can fit his powerful voice into an uptempo song.
Best performance of the night.. looking forward to hearing more.
Don't forget to catch the show's first Live Eliminations tonight at 9pm!
Who should stay? Who should go home?
I respect his crisp classical vocal technique along with the stylizations that he added to his phrasing. Although he added adlibs and riffs, it was still simple and heartfelt. His power and clarity of tone is just gorgeous. I was carried away by his voice. His performance literally brought tears to my eyes and lifted my spirits up in a way that was inspiring and motivational.
His voice is in my opinion "The Voice" that we are looking for. However, it is clear that he is a very talented balladeer, and I am weary to see how he can fit his powerful voice into an uptempo song.
Best performance of the night.. looking forward to hearing more.
Don't forget to catch the show's first Live Eliminations tonight at 9pm!
Who should stay? Who should go home?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
American Idol Season 11 - Goodbye Heejun Han
So tonight on Season 11's American Idol we said goodbye to resident funny man, Heejun Han. Last night's performance was solid but apparently not special enough for America to keep him in the race. Here is a video of him singing "A Song For You" by Donny Hathaway:
I feel as though America made the right decision. Although his voice is naturally beautiful, his immaturity and lack of experience could not compare to the many powerhouses that we have this season. Heejun's raw talent, however, is really lovely and with the right coaching and branding, he could actually have a great musical career. More than likely, Heejun will fizzle and become yet another Idol parody such as Sanjaya from Season 6.
Next week the competition will get even tougher as the Top 8 finalists continue to sing for their lives.
Who do you think will go home next?
I feel as though America made the right decision. Although his voice is naturally beautiful, his immaturity and lack of experience could not compare to the many powerhouses that we have this season. Heejun's raw talent, however, is really lovely and with the right coaching and branding, he could actually have a great musical career. More than likely, Heejun will fizzle and become yet another Idol parody such as Sanjaya from Season 6.
Next week the competition will get even tougher as the Top 8 finalists continue to sing for their lives.
Who do you think will go home next?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Recap: Season 11's American Idol Top 9 Performances
This week on Season 11's American Idol, the Top 9 performed under the mentorship of the show's favorite coach Jimmy Iovine and legendary Stevie Nicks. The singers were given a little bit of freedom with their song choices and were asked to sing songs from their favorite idols.
1- Colton Dixon sings "Everything" by Lifehouse - The verses took a little bit too long to build up but when he finally opened up to the chorus his delivery was right on point. Overall, Colton has really great stage presence and emotionally connects to every song he sings. Very consistent, very solid!
2- Skylar Laine sings "Gunpowder and Lead" by Miranda Lambert - Great phrasing, vocal inflections and connection to the storytelling. Skylar is simply just a natural superstar. Her sass, confidence and energy own the stage. I loved the adlib that she gave at the end because it showcased power and range and only hope to hear her show off that part of her voice more!
3- Heejun Han sings "A Song For You" by Leon Russell - What a vast improvement from last week's horrendous performance! His tone is so unique and this song showcased the really cool husky textures in his lower register. I felt like the beginning was really strong but kind of lost his momentum towards the ending. I don't think he deserved a standing ovation from the judges but perhaps its because he set the bar so low for himself last week. Good voice but he is NOT the best singer in this competition.
4- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Jesus Take The Wheel" by Carrie Underwood - First off, Hollie finally pulls off the right outfit and looked phenomenal. Some of the notes in her song were a little bit iffy but I think she pulled it together and gave a touching performance. Her storytelling was on point and by the time she reached the end of the song she really nailed the high notes with conviction, power and control. This girl is a budding powerhouse.
5- DeAndre Brackensick sings "Sometimes I Cry" by Eric Benet - This week DeAndre's stage presence was a lot more tamed. The placement of his voice has improved but he definitely lacked the dynamic contrast that he needs in order to compete with these other singers. During the modulation in the bridge, the notes totally lacked the necessary breath support. He is definitely special but still needs a lot of coaching.
6- Jessica Sanchez sings "Sweet Dreams" by Beyonce - Excellent job climbing up to the climax of the song from the very beginning teasing us with dynamics and vocal control. I agree with Stevie Nicks that the slowing down of the tempo was brilliant; her version of this song turned into a powerful, heartfelt ballad. I also agree with Steve Tyler: this little diva is a star already.
7- Phillip Phillips sings "Still Rainin" by Jonny Lang - This dude might win this competition. He is consistent, solid and truly the whole package. Great song choice, amazing power and overall very strong vocal chops. This was another great performance added to his track record and he's reaching to the top.
8- Joshua Ledet sings "Without You" by Mariah Carey - This was my favorite Joshua performance. He did a wonderful job holding back his powerhouse vocals in the beginning of the song and showcased his chops with a lot more finesse. What incredible emotion! It was visceral. This performance was the only one of the night that deserved the judges' standing ovation!
9- Elise Testone sings "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin - Risky song choice but this chick really rocked it out! Amazing vocal grittiness, power and control. She can be dirty and she can be pretty. Just killer, Elise. Really really great job!
Tonight I felt like the producers did a great job saving the best performances for last. Elise and Joshua completely took their songs to the next level. Elise demonstrated great showmanship and Joshua gave us his entire heart and soul. The mediocrity was sandwiched in the middle and became easily forgettable as the night went on. I also feel like the judges gave standing ovations to the two worst singers in the competition- Heejun and DeAndre. I didn't agree with many of their comments tonight. They need to be more critical as the competition gets stiffer. It would be a shame to sway America's votes from the singers who truly deserve a fair shot at this thing.
This week, I predict DeAndre and Heejun are in trouble. At the top this week is Phillip and Jessica.
What do you think????
1- Colton Dixon sings "Everything" by Lifehouse - The verses took a little bit too long to build up but when he finally opened up to the chorus his delivery was right on point. Overall, Colton has really great stage presence and emotionally connects to every song he sings. Very consistent, very solid!
2- Skylar Laine sings "Gunpowder and Lead" by Miranda Lambert - Great phrasing, vocal inflections and connection to the storytelling. Skylar is simply just a natural superstar. Her sass, confidence and energy own the stage. I loved the adlib that she gave at the end because it showcased power and range and only hope to hear her show off that part of her voice more!
3- Heejun Han sings "A Song For You" by Leon Russell - What a vast improvement from last week's horrendous performance! His tone is so unique and this song showcased the really cool husky textures in his lower register. I felt like the beginning was really strong but kind of lost his momentum towards the ending. I don't think he deserved a standing ovation from the judges but perhaps its because he set the bar so low for himself last week. Good voice but he is NOT the best singer in this competition.
4- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Jesus Take The Wheel" by Carrie Underwood - First off, Hollie finally pulls off the right outfit and looked phenomenal. Some of the notes in her song were a little bit iffy but I think she pulled it together and gave a touching performance. Her storytelling was on point and by the time she reached the end of the song she really nailed the high notes with conviction, power and control. This girl is a budding powerhouse.
5- DeAndre Brackensick sings "Sometimes I Cry" by Eric Benet - This week DeAndre's stage presence was a lot more tamed. The placement of his voice has improved but he definitely lacked the dynamic contrast that he needs in order to compete with these other singers. During the modulation in the bridge, the notes totally lacked the necessary breath support. He is definitely special but still needs a lot of coaching.
6- Jessica Sanchez sings "Sweet Dreams" by Beyonce - Excellent job climbing up to the climax of the song from the very beginning teasing us with dynamics and vocal control. I agree with Stevie Nicks that the slowing down of the tempo was brilliant; her version of this song turned into a powerful, heartfelt ballad. I also agree with Steve Tyler: this little diva is a star already.
7- Phillip Phillips sings "Still Rainin" by Jonny Lang - This dude might win this competition. He is consistent, solid and truly the whole package. Great song choice, amazing power and overall very strong vocal chops. This was another great performance added to his track record and he's reaching to the top.
8- Joshua Ledet sings "Without You" by Mariah Carey - This was my favorite Joshua performance. He did a wonderful job holding back his powerhouse vocals in the beginning of the song and showcased his chops with a lot more finesse. What incredible emotion! It was visceral. This performance was the only one of the night that deserved the judges' standing ovation!
9- Elise Testone sings "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin - Risky song choice but this chick really rocked it out! Amazing vocal grittiness, power and control. She can be dirty and she can be pretty. Just killer, Elise. Really really great job!
Tonight I felt like the producers did a great job saving the best performances for last. Elise and Joshua completely took their songs to the next level. Elise demonstrated great showmanship and Joshua gave us his entire heart and soul. The mediocrity was sandwiched in the middle and became easily forgettable as the night went on. I also feel like the judges gave standing ovations to the two worst singers in the competition- Heejun and DeAndre. I didn't agree with many of their comments tonight. They need to be more critical as the competition gets stiffer. It would be a shame to sway America's votes from the singers who truly deserve a fair shot at this thing.
This week, I predict DeAndre and Heejun are in trouble. At the top this week is Phillip and Jessica.
What do you think????
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Voice Final Battle Round Performances
This week concluded the last batch of the Battle Rounds on NBC's The Voice. Coaches Christina Aguilera, Cee-Lo Green, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine paired up singers in their teams to battle against each other to secure the coveted spots for the show's live performances. Yet again, I agreed with 50% of the coaches' decisions:
1- James Massone vs WADE singing Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors"
James has a perfect boy band voice- great tone, great intonation and wonderful potential. He honestly just needs a little bit of training and he'd be a lot better. WADE has more vocal agility-- his tone quality is smooth and velvety with a nice falsetto. Although he took a lot more melodic risks, his pitch fell flat a couple of times. James, however, was very straightforward and delivered a solid albeit basic performance.
- My Choice: WADE - for overall vocal ability and style
- Cee-Lo's Choice: James- better consistency and uniqueness of tone
2- Nicole Gallyon vs Mathai singing "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles
This battle showcased an obvious winner. Nicole has a beautiful voice and is a very talented pianist. Mathai however is the full package. She has a lot of spunk, character and style. She is a young singer and clearly not as experienced as Nicole, but her natural ability outshone Nicole's cerebral delivery. Also, Nicole needs to learn how to support her high notes a little bit better.
- My Choice: Mathai - curious to see how she will grow
- Adam's Choice: Mathai - stage presence, style and uniqueness
3- The Line vs Moses Stone sing "(Can't Get No) Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stones
The Line are extremely talented and very marketable. They come across very professional, polished and vocally strong. Moses demonstrated exceptional growth, versatility and swagger. He is truly a wonderful artist. The Line however can very well be the next big thing in country music. Hands down the best performance of the night!
- My Choice: The Line- for their strong vocals and marketability
- Christina's Choice: Moses- for his potential, style and versatility
4- Jordan Rager vs Naia Kete sing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz
Naia has a cool vibe in her vocal stylings. Jordan is very clean, consistent and kind of stiff. Some of Naia's ornamentations showcased some of her pitch issues and lack of control. Although some of her notes were off, Jordan's solid straightforwardness was kind of boring. This was my least favorite performance of the night.
- My Choice: Naia - I've never seen or heard anything like her!
- Blake's Choice: Naia- for her cool vocal style
5- Orlando Napier vs Karla Davis singing Lionel Richie's "Easy"
Orlando is a clear artist with a distinct vision and style. Karla is an undiscovered gem. Her voice has a lot of character, beauty and flexibility. Orlando's stylings are more developed, his phrasing/adlib is incredible and overall is an excellent vocal artist. Karla however has amazing potential.
- My Choice: Orlando- clearly more professional and very marketable
- Adam's Choice: Karla- curious to see how far she can grow, great voice
6- Justin Hopkins vs Tony Vincent sing "Faithfully" by Journey
During their coaching sessions, I was almost positive that Justin was going to be my favorite. However, Tony's performance really sold it to me. His passion resonated with every single lyric and inflection. Justin's voice has an awesome raw element that is powerful and beautiful. Although Tony is somewhat theatrical, his technique, range and ability are just phenomenal.
- My Choice: Tony- solid technique and professional delivery
- CeeLo's Choice: Tony- stronger connection to song and performance
This week concluded The Voice's Battle Rounds and next week America will get to watch the finalists in each team compete against one another in a live setting. I wonder how the change in dynamics will affect each singer. One important thing that I learned from tonight's episode is to make each and every single note count. Use every single inflection in your voice to resonate your passion behind every single lyric in the song.
You never know.. you might just make CeeLo cry. I loved CeeLo tonight- he was such a teddy bear!
Tune in next week for my first vocal review of the season's live performances!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Goodbye Erika Van Pelt! - American Idol Top 10 Elimination
It is rare to find a singer on American Idol that will impress me enough to actually want to go and buy their music... but Erika Van Pelt is actually an artist who I will continue to support after this competition. America definitely got it wrong this week:
Erika looked fierce with her new makeover. The hair was hot, the jacket was ridiculous and the makeup showcased her natural beauty. Her voice has elements of jazz, soul, rnb, pop and even rock. This girl can do it all. A graduate from Berklee School of Music, Erika is not some amateur singer on a reality show, she is a seasoned professional. Unlike Heejun who feels the need to take his shirt off and DeAndre who frolicked around with his lion mane, Erika just sang...and sang VERY well. Unfortunately, America simply cannot appreciate the subtleties of being a true vocal artist.
Tonight we said goodbye to Erika Van Pelt, but I know that we will be seeing more of her soon. She is much too talented to only have these 15 minutes of fame.
Best of luck to you, Erika!
Erika looked fierce with her new makeover. The hair was hot, the jacket was ridiculous and the makeup showcased her natural beauty. Her voice has elements of jazz, soul, rnb, pop and even rock. This girl can do it all. A graduate from Berklee School of Music, Erika is not some amateur singer on a reality show, she is a seasoned professional. Unlike Heejun who feels the need to take his shirt off and DeAndre who frolicked around with his lion mane, Erika just sang...and sang VERY well. Unfortunately, America simply cannot appreciate the subtleties of being a true vocal artist.
Tonight we said goodbye to Erika Van Pelt, but I know that we will be seeing more of her soon. She is much too talented to only have these 15 minutes of fame.
Best of luck to you, Erika!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Season 11's American Idol Top 10 - Performance Recap
Tonight we watched Season 11's American Idols sing through Billy Joel's songbook. The Top 10 honed their performance skills under the mentorship of the show's favorite critic, Jimmy Iovine and hiphop mogul, Diddy.
1- DeAndre Brackensick sings "Only the Good Die Young" - This performance seemed like a glorified karaoke number. Although the arrangement was somewhat boring, I appreciated the improvements in his stage presence. He appeared a lot less nervous and more laid back. At times his vibrato was slightly overbearing. Overall, I find him to be one of the weakest singers in the competition.
2- Erika Van Pelt sings "New York State of Mind" - Best makeover of the night! Erika has one of my favorite voices. She has soul, depth and delivers beautiful phrasing. She really knows how to hold back and build up when it is appropriate. Her mic technique is that of a true professional. Unfortunately, her polished performance can come across to others as playing it safe. It's going to be difficult for her to compete with the other teen belters in the show if she does not figure out a way to impress the lamen.
3- Joshua Ledet sings "She's Got A Way" - His intro was a little shakey in pitch, but it was nice to hear him sing with dynamics. Before this week, mp-mf were non-existant in his performances.. it was a whole lot of ff and fff going on. I loved the song because it showed great range and control. However, I agreed with J.Lo about him needing to connect more to the lyrics.
4- Skylar Laine sings "Shameless" - There is no doubt that this girl has a great country sound. Sadly, she had a couple of bum notes. In the beginning, it took way too long to build up into her sweet spot. When she opened up, she began to sound better but then came across a little too screamy. I agree with Randy: it was pretty good, but not the best.
5- Elise Testone sings "Vienna" - What a solid intro! She gave us wonderful storytelling, excellent melodic variation and showcased really cool vocal flips in and out of head voice, while teasing us with her growls. She killed that run at the end! Her ending was harmonically difficult and demonstrated serious musical chops. Elise and Erika are the most sophisticated vocalists in this competition. Finally, maybe someone who is actually seasoned and educated can win this whole thing?
6- Phillip Phillips sings "Movin' Out" - I can really appreciate this dude's authenticity. His artistry is as if Dave Matthews and Adam Duritz had a child. He has a killer time feel and sweet melodic interpretation. Vocally, I would have liked to see him grow, but maybe he doesn't need to. Maybe he can with this whole thing with his cool vocal style and musical arrangements.
7- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Honesty" - This week, Hollie did much better with the dynamic contrast. Sadly, she was consistently sharp on many of her power notes- perhaps due to pushing. She resembles a young Celine Dion, even the diction is very "er." The ending completely lacked the proper breath support in order to execute those runs in her head voice. I usually love her performances, but this week was a miss for me.
8- Heejun Han sings "My Life" - Heejun totally copied Billy Joel's diction during the verses. He fell flat on almost all of his sustained notes. His facial expressions were strange and his stage presence was hokey and uncomfortable. He may think he is funny, but not in a good way. His performance was like a skit off of SNL. Humor will not mask mediocrity. It was simply horrifying.
9- Jessica Sanchez sings "Everybody Has A Dream" - Her voice reminds me of Jennifer Hudson, it has the darkness in her low register and the wide, powerful vibrato during sustained notes. This week she held back in her performance very well, and did not oversing. She showcased excellent range and wrapped us around her little finger yet again. SO good!
10- Colton Dixon sings "Piano Man" - Perfect song choice, excellent vocal delivery. Beautiful yodel and a wonderful buildup into an effective key change. I respect his voice and musicality. My favorite performance of him yet!
Now that American Idol has narrowed it down to their Top 10 favorite singers, its going to get harder and harder for America to vote. For the girls, it's a battle of Teen Belters vs Seasoned Performers. For the boys, its the Rockers vs the Balladeers. In my opinion, Heejun and DeAndre need to go. However, America may not appreciate the sophistication of Erika and Elise and the teen female demographic might prolong the boys' livelihood in this competition.
Who do you think is in trouble this week???
Tommy Hilfiger also made a guest performance as the show's new Image Specialist. I love that they brought him onboard and agree that when you look great, you feel great and sound great. Here is what I thought of this week's American Idol Top 10 performances:
1- DeAndre Brackensick sings "Only the Good Die Young" - This performance seemed like a glorified karaoke number. Although the arrangement was somewhat boring, I appreciated the improvements in his stage presence. He appeared a lot less nervous and more laid back. At times his vibrato was slightly overbearing. Overall, I find him to be one of the weakest singers in the competition.
2- Erika Van Pelt sings "New York State of Mind" - Best makeover of the night! Erika has one of my favorite voices. She has soul, depth and delivers beautiful phrasing. She really knows how to hold back and build up when it is appropriate. Her mic technique is that of a true professional. Unfortunately, her polished performance can come across to others as playing it safe. It's going to be difficult for her to compete with the other teen belters in the show if she does not figure out a way to impress the lamen.
3- Joshua Ledet sings "She's Got A Way" - His intro was a little shakey in pitch, but it was nice to hear him sing with dynamics. Before this week, mp-mf were non-existant in his performances.. it was a whole lot of ff and fff going on. I loved the song because it showed great range and control. However, I agreed with J.Lo about him needing to connect more to the lyrics.
4- Skylar Laine sings "Shameless" - There is no doubt that this girl has a great country sound. Sadly, she had a couple of bum notes. In the beginning, it took way too long to build up into her sweet spot. When she opened up, she began to sound better but then came across a little too screamy. I agree with Randy: it was pretty good, but not the best.
5- Elise Testone sings "Vienna" - What a solid intro! She gave us wonderful storytelling, excellent melodic variation and showcased really cool vocal flips in and out of head voice, while teasing us with her growls. She killed that run at the end! Her ending was harmonically difficult and demonstrated serious musical chops. Elise and Erika are the most sophisticated vocalists in this competition. Finally, maybe someone who is actually seasoned and educated can win this whole thing?
6- Phillip Phillips sings "Movin' Out" - I can really appreciate this dude's authenticity. His artistry is as if Dave Matthews and Adam Duritz had a child. He has a killer time feel and sweet melodic interpretation. Vocally, I would have liked to see him grow, but maybe he doesn't need to. Maybe he can with this whole thing with his cool vocal style and musical arrangements.
7- Hollie Cavanagh sings "Honesty" - This week, Hollie did much better with the dynamic contrast. Sadly, she was consistently sharp on many of her power notes- perhaps due to pushing. She resembles a young Celine Dion, even the diction is very "er." The ending completely lacked the proper breath support in order to execute those runs in her head voice. I usually love her performances, but this week was a miss for me.
8- Heejun Han sings "My Life" - Heejun totally copied Billy Joel's diction during the verses. He fell flat on almost all of his sustained notes. His facial expressions were strange and his stage presence was hokey and uncomfortable. He may think he is funny, but not in a good way. His performance was like a skit off of SNL. Humor will not mask mediocrity. It was simply horrifying.
9- Jessica Sanchez sings "Everybody Has A Dream" - Her voice reminds me of Jennifer Hudson, it has the darkness in her low register and the wide, powerful vibrato during sustained notes. This week she held back in her performance very well, and did not oversing. She showcased excellent range and wrapped us around her little finger yet again. SO good!
10- Colton Dixon sings "Piano Man" - Perfect song choice, excellent vocal delivery. Beautiful yodel and a wonderful buildup into an effective key change. I respect his voice and musicality. My favorite performance of him yet!
Now that American Idol has narrowed it down to their Top 10 favorite singers, its going to get harder and harder for America to vote. For the girls, it's a battle of Teen Belters vs Seasoned Performers. For the boys, its the Rockers vs the Balladeers. In my opinion, Heejun and DeAndre need to go. However, America may not appreciate the sophistication of Erika and Elise and the teen female demographic might prolong the boys' livelihood in this competition.
Who do you think is in trouble this week???
Monday, March 19, 2012
Vocal Review of The Voice - Battle Rounds Week 3
During Week 3 of The Voice's Battle Rounds, the coaches continued to pair interesting combinations of singers from their teams to compete against each other. The singers had a chance to be coached by a plethora of industry professionals and performed to secure their spot onto each team. It looks like this week I agreed with 50% of the coach's selections.
1- Nathan Parrett vs Pip - "You Know I'm No Good" by Amy Winehouse
Pip is very MT (musical theatre). Nathan has a darker, richer sound. Overall, Pip came across more polished and showcased great range. Nathan demonstrated great potential but was not nearly as relaxed.
- My choice: Pip, for having better confidence, ownership and stage presence
- Adam's Choice: Pip, for being more versatile and capable.
2- Erin Martin vs The Shields Brothers sing "What's Love Got To Do With It" by Tina Turner
Erin's voice sounds extremely affected-- I don't believe that is her natural voice and am convinced that she manipulates her sound in order to sound unique. The Shields Brothers are very straightforward but showcased great power and solid harmonies.
- My Choice: The Shields Brothers, for their tight, beautiful harmonies and great energy.
- CeeLo's Choice: Erin, because she's gorgeous, unique and special.
3- Ashley De La Rosa vs Jonathas sing "No Air" by Jordin Sparks
Ashley is fresh and very talented but comes across as screamy when she sings in her higher register. This push in her voice affects her consistency of pitch. Jonathas has a more naturally connected sound. He glides through the melody with more ease and finesse.
- My Choice: Jonathas, because of his smooth delivery and vocal ability
- Christina's Choice: Ashley, because of her youth and potential
4- Jermaine Paul vs Alyx sing "Get Outta My Dreams Get Into The Car"by Billy Ocean
Alyx has a great sound and potential for her age, but lacks strong performance chops and personality. Her tone is rich and powerful. Paul is clearly seasoned, stylistically strong and beautifully confident.
- My Choice: Jermaine, because he is ready to go.
- Blake: Jermaine, because of his ownership and confidence.
5- Katrina Parker vs Angel Taylor sing "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis
Katrina's voice is strong, soulful and full of depth. Although she comes across as guarded, she has a great sound. Angel has a cool texture to her voice but I also question her vocal technique. She might be affecting her voice as well.
- My choice: Katrina, for her consistent strength and vocal abilities
- Adam's Choice: Katrina, for her power and Adele-like attributes
6- Erin Willett vs Gwen Sebastian sing "We Belong" by Pat Benatar
Gwen has a beautiful seamless sound with great highs and lows. Erin's voice is soulful, powerful and almost like a thick piece of chocolate cake. This battle was the hardest for me to decide because both girls have great voices and did a wonderful job executing their performances.
- My choice: Gwen, for her special sound and authenticity
- Blake's Choice: Erin, for her depth, power and soul.
Tonight's Battle Round Performances shared one common thread: delivery and confidence is key. There are so many beautiful voices in this world, but what truly makes you special? Find your inner confidence and let it shine through your voice. It's okay, be a diva. ;)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
What Inspires You? - Um "Momento" da Bebel Gilberto
Sometimes we need to ask ourselves... what inspires us? We all aspire to be bigger and greater than what we are today. Each day is a struggle to move forward in what we hope is a fruitful path. As singers we are artists; we are painting our canvases each and everyday. Sometimes we feel lost, confused and alone. And sometimes we feel enlightened, enthralled and enamored. But what keeps us motivated to grow? What propels our passion? What strings resonate in our hearts?
One singer who completely inspires me is the lovely Bebel Gilberto.
I will never forget the day I first listened to Bebel sing. Her voice, her phrasing and her passion floated above seductive bossanova beats and enchanting acoustic guitar chords. Her music instantly put me at ease and has continued to be an aural sanctuary for my soul.
Music speaks to the heart in an unspoken way.
What inspires you?
One singer who completely inspires me is the lovely Bebel Gilberto.
I will never forget the day I first listened to Bebel sing. Her voice, her phrasing and her passion floated above seductive bossanova beats and enchanting acoustic guitar chords. Her music instantly put me at ease and has continued to be an aural sanctuary for my soul.
Music speaks to the heart in an unspoken way.
What inspires you?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
American Idol Season 11 - Goodbye Shannon Magrane
It makes me so sad to see the lovely and talented Shannon Magrane leave Season 11's American Idol competition. Shannon was one of our beloved Dream Ticket Winners and truly such a beautiful, young singer. To be able to sing with that immense amount of power, soul and finesse at only 16 years of age is truly a blessing from God. I wish Shannon the best as she begins this exciting adventure in her life. I am confident that she will have a long, successful career in this industry. She carries herself with grace, poise and dignity.
Last night, Shannon sang a wonderful rendition of Mariah Carey & Boyz 2 Men's "One Sweet Day." It was an extremely difficult song to undertake, but her delivery was strong, passionate and well above her years. Her flaws are minor compared to the maturity and grace that she carries herself with despite her tender age.
Shannon, you will be missed!
Last night, Shannon sang a wonderful rendition of Mariah Carey & Boyz 2 Men's "One Sweet Day." It was an extremely difficult song to undertake, but her delivery was strong, passionate and well above her years. Her flaws are minor compared to the maturity and grace that she carries herself with despite her tender age.
Shannon, you will be missed!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Season 11: American Idol Top 12 Finalists Compete
Here is a recap and vocal review of Season 11's American Idol Top 12. Tonight we had the chance to watch our singers perform songs from the year they were born. Some of them were born in the 90s which makes me feel old. This is what I thought:
1- Phllip Phillips - Boring. I know he is sick and all, but I was bored! Sorry!
2- Jessica Sanchez - Terrible song choice, too much vibrato and completely lacked accuracy of syncopated rhythms. She'll stay because she's so good.
3- HeeJun Han - The poor dude has awful diction and the worst microphone technique ever! His personality is cute, but not enough to be an Idol!
4- Elise Testone - Finally, you showed us a soft and vulnerable side. Perfect song choice that showcased wonderful tones and phrasing, but got too loud too soon. Hold back, girl- there's tons of beauty in your voice when you keep it soft and build up slowly.
5- Deandre Brackensick - I felt like I was in the 70's when he started. His phrasing, his facial expressions and even his outfit made the performance so cheesy! He has a great voice but it was cheesy CHEESY!
6- Shannon Magrane - Yes!! You did it, girl! You relaxed, emotionally connected and gave us a great performance! The voice was in control and the dynamic contrast was very effective into building up the song! Wonderful job for proving yourself this week!
7- Colton Dixon - Great voice but also boring! He is going to need to step out of his comfort zone in order to stand out!
8- Erika Van Pelt - Great vocal mix and technique, effective key change and interesting ending! She reminds me of Kelly and could surprisingly win this thing!
9- Skylar Laine - She is such a firecracker - has killer stage presence and style! I can't believe how much potential she has for her age!
10 - Joshua Ledet - I did not like the song choice, but it showcased impeccable range and control. Not sure that it deserved the standing ovation, but strong enough to continue.
11- Hollie Cavanagh - The notes just soared above her so effortlessly. Loved the song choice and the key fit her voice perfectly. She almost didn't get that last note but did a great job closing the show!
Tonight we also witnessed this season's first controversy. I was creeped out by the way the producers decided to address the disqualification of Jermaine Jones. Additionally, I was upset that we were not presented with a Jeremy Rosado comeback performance in its place! What a waste of a spot as I was never a big fan of this "gentle giant."
Looking forward to tomorrow's elimination round. I predict HeeJun and Deandre are in trouble. We shall wait and see... =)
1- Phllip Phillips - Boring. I know he is sick and all, but I was bored! Sorry!
2- Jessica Sanchez - Terrible song choice, too much vibrato and completely lacked accuracy of syncopated rhythms. She'll stay because she's so good.
3- HeeJun Han - The poor dude has awful diction and the worst microphone technique ever! His personality is cute, but not enough to be an Idol!
4- Elise Testone - Finally, you showed us a soft and vulnerable side. Perfect song choice that showcased wonderful tones and phrasing, but got too loud too soon. Hold back, girl- there's tons of beauty in your voice when you keep it soft and build up slowly.
5- Deandre Brackensick - I felt like I was in the 70's when he started. His phrasing, his facial expressions and even his outfit made the performance so cheesy! He has a great voice but it was cheesy CHEESY!
6- Shannon Magrane - Yes!! You did it, girl! You relaxed, emotionally connected and gave us a great performance! The voice was in control and the dynamic contrast was very effective into building up the song! Wonderful job for proving yourself this week!
7- Colton Dixon - Great voice but also boring! He is going to need to step out of his comfort zone in order to stand out!
8- Erika Van Pelt - Great vocal mix and technique, effective key change and interesting ending! She reminds me of Kelly and could surprisingly win this thing!
9- Skylar Laine - She is such a firecracker - has killer stage presence and style! I can't believe how much potential she has for her age!
10 - Joshua Ledet - I did not like the song choice, but it showcased impeccable range and control. Not sure that it deserved the standing ovation, but strong enough to continue.
11- Hollie Cavanagh - The notes just soared above her so effortlessly. Loved the song choice and the key fit her voice perfectly. She almost didn't get that last note but did a great job closing the show!
Tonight we also witnessed this season's first controversy. I was creeped out by the way the producers decided to address the disqualification of Jermaine Jones. Additionally, I was upset that we were not presented with a Jeremy Rosado comeback performance in its place! What a waste of a spot as I was never a big fan of this "gentle giant."
Looking forward to tomorrow's elimination round. I predict HeeJun and Deandre are in trouble. We shall wait and see... =)
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